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The KING Formula

发表于 2009-9-7 17:06:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
There is no Secret to life; you just need to Get Rich.

Mr. G



I am not a Millionaire yet, but I am going to become one. Average people spend more than one million through out their life, money flow in and flow out, we just can not accumulate it, think about it, you might feel better, and you are in fact a Millionaire after all.

There is no secret to get what you want, you just need to get rich, but before that you need to get real, do you really need a castle to make you happy at this very moment? You might need it when you are rich, but not now. I am not trying to ask you settle for less, but if you stop thinking about those fancy dreams, you will free your mind, and it will regain the power to move you further. Think about those dream car, dream house as the fruit of a grow tree, and I refer this tree to your ability to excel, you should use your money on hand to grow this tree, your fertilizer might be a course, a book, a tape, anything that can make you a better man, but please bear in mind that you ability tree is just as unique as you, never try to pull in all the fertilizer, some of them might not suit your ability tree, you either not use it, or need to grow another tree.   

The essence of “The Science of Getting Rich” is we must become an increasing man, we must bring value to others so that we can become rich ourselves. Why “The Secret” become a world phenomenon? Before I answer this, I would like to ask you, who shot the film? Who wrote the book? The author and her team, right? They already put their effort to increase the awareness of the world about the human potential, and I believed that “The Law of Attraction” does well in term of health, relationship, world peace, but if come to wealth, we must do our part in order to “Exchange” and receive. Sometime we just do not know how to value our work, we live from paycheck to paycheck, perform daily routine job, and our lovely boss does not tell us how much our forsaken report worth to the company.

I am a programmer, I still can remember one incident in the early years of my career, my company Quality department need a software to keep track of the Quality Notification send to Supplier, they already asked a software house to quote them on this new software, somehow, my boss think that we as an IT department can do it in house, so he pass me the software requirement with the quotation, the quotation price from the software house is around 15K, and I only took one month to finish it, my company save a lot in this project, and I did bring some value to my company. So does my company reward me? No, off course not, but I did get some unexpected income months later, which is quite equivalent to that quotation price. So please bring forth your best effort no matter you are underpaid or overpaid, and this is the only way to become excellence.

If your purpose is to become rich, I think you can stop here.   Microsoft does not attract the “Windows Vista”, they code it. But if you want to know “how to get the luxury thing you want”, please read on. For me “Getting Rich” and “Getting the luxury thing I want” is totally different. Please do not confuse me, and the sequence is important, if I get rich first, I am almost certain that I can get the luxury thing I want, but if I get the luxury thing I want first, I might not get rich after all. Final reminder, always remember to brings more use value to others in every aspect of life.

I use the KING Formula to get my fertilizer, but you can use it to get anything you want. Let move on.

Chapter One – The KING Formula

I never invent this Formula, I discover it. After review my first thirty years of life, I found there is four essential steps I carried out every time I successfully get the thing I want. I wrote it down, and try to figure out a name for these steps, let me write it now, and you will know where the name came from.

First Step – Know what you want.
Second Step – Imprint what you want into your mind.
Third Step – Navigate to locate what you want.
Fourth Step – Give, give, give and give.

You bet! I use the first alphabet of all the steps to construct the name. I am trying to make this book as little as “It Works”, but before move on to Chapter Two, I have one important point to tell you, everybody have to do something in order to exchange the thing they want, including those self-help Guru, if they does not conduct seminar, write book, record audio tape, I do not think their method alone can keep them floating on the material sea, so does this KING Formula, you should use this formula to get thing that can sharpen your ability first, and only later for those luxury thing.

Chapter Two – First Step: Know what you want.

I have purchased a lot of books on self-help, self-improvement, I used to put down the book and never read it again if the author asked to list down all my goal, my wish, I am just kind of lazy to do writing, or I might afraid other people will know what I want if I write it down.

Even though you are not required to write down your list when using this formula, but write it down will increase the efficiency of this formula, just imagine you are stand in front of an ATM machine, and you can not recall your pin number, you will try to punch in two combination of number which you think is your pin number, if you are lucky enough, you can get your cash, otherwise, you have to left the ATM machine and angrily heading toward your house to search for the pin number slip that the bank sent you and provided you do not change your pin number before.

Write it down will make you certain that this is the pin number, phone number that you are looking for; the wish list will remind you when the chance of getting the thing you want appear and you can grab it without second thought. If I asked you to locked yourself into a room and produce the wish list, the result might not be very desirable, you can not produce a good list when thinking of the question “What I want” alone, you should make it a fun and enjoyable thing to do. There are so many magazines, catalogues, advertisement, shopping mall around, all try to sell you something, so explore them and you will know what make your heart pounding again.

As I mentioned before, in order to make you move further in life, you should focus more on getting the thing you need to make yourself better and increase your ability rather than the thing you want for fun. For example, a music CD might enlightened your night, a subliminal CD will enlightened your life, both of the price can be identical, if the price of a subliminal CD can buy three or four music CD, I still encourage you to buy the subliminal CD.

If your dream is to become a singer, do not write “I want to become a singer.”, “I released my first music album.”, get real, you should write something like this “I attended a singing course.”, “I wrote my first song.”, after you are ready to confront the world, the opportunity will appear.

If you are overweight, can not concentrate, lack of confidence, sleep disorder, you should tackle all these problem first, because these will hinder your chance of moving further in any career, there is a lot of brainwave entrainment products, subliminal products targeted on these problem, and I think the subliminal CD is the best solution if your ego is too strong. You might read book, attend courses, but subliminal CD can be listen to 24 hours a day, this will accelerate your transformation process.

If you do not believe subliminal CD will help, I personally suggest you start with “Lucid Dreaming” subliminal CD; this is the area that you can see result fast and Lucid Dream will help you achieve your fullest potential.

Chapter Three – Second Step: Imprint what you want into your mind.

Still keep the magazines, catalogues you used in first step? You should keep it for the sake of stimulate your mind or rather your subconscious mind. Cut the pictures, record the videos, these are all the material for your dream journal. Tell yourself that is what you want when you look at your dream journal, browse it when you feel down, it will energize you, browse it as often as you wish until you get what you want. Sometime a glance will do if the desire is very strong, and it leaves no chance for the conscious mind to reject it.

Do you need visualization in this step? The purpose of visualization is to let you experience the present of the thing you want, so that your brain can record it down for future use. Think of your brain as the hard disk of your pc, after you copy or downloaded an mp3 to your hard disk, you can play it anytime you wish; otherwise, you just can’t play it.

What else’s? Software, yes, you need software to play mp3, edit document. You also need mental software to access the experience your brain stored. If the thing you want is a car, do you need the driving skill (mental software) to drive it, otherwise, your subconscious mind will block you from getting it, and it is too dangerous for you and the world around you; unless you just want to keep it in your garage.

How about dream house? I can hear you yelling “I do not need any skill to live in a luxury house.” Yes, you are right, but do you have the mental strength to stay in it? Do you have the knowledge to use those sophisticated household item? Do you have the leadership to handle your servant? You must have the knowledge of luxury food, beverage, and brand name, otherwise, you just can not experience them, and I think this is what people call millionaire mindset. Life is not only about how to get the cold hard money.

If possible, please get the real experience on the stuff you want as much as possible, test drive your dream car, and drive it for a good distance.

Just like the song in your hard disk, after you have the right software to play it and listen to it, if you feel good, you may want to play it again, again, and again, otherwise you will remove it from the play list or even delete it. Your feeling on the experience you have from the thing you want also play a vital part to determine whether you get it or not. You might consciously, eagerly want to get something to showoff, but the underneath feeling is not good, you can still get it but you will lose it very soon if your underneath feeling not change to good. So always get in tune with your true self.

Chapter Four – Third Step: Navigate to locate what you want.

This is a strange world, after you get what you want, you will find it everywhere you go, before that, it is just hidden from you, I think this is what people call detach.

This step is about action, after you know what you want, and already convinced your mind, you should go direct to it, grab it, and pay for it, end of chapter.  Am I try to con your hard earn money? I doubt it.

Everything in the world has a price tag. Some is hanging on the thing, some is hidden. The price will determine whether you want to get it or not, but not you can get it or not. I assume that the most expensive thing you pay in life is your house and it should be the most important thing in your list. Bank wills facility the loan for you to buy it, so what else you can not get? Love, perhaps.

We can get everything we want through out the life, but the uncertainty on the value of the thing we want will block us from getting it because there is saying do not judge a book by it cover, right? There are so many self-help gurus selling e-book online, sometime we hard to make a decision to purchase just because can not browse it through like a real book and hence cause the uncertainty on it value. So always remember to bring more use value to others in every aspect of life, and you are obeying to the essence of “The Science of Getting Rich”.

The path between you and the thing you want is part of the experience that your brain want to record down, even when it is only a URL and a few finger clicks.

Take buy house as an example, before you buy it, you should go to the show unit to make sure it is the house you want to live in, and the location is convenience. You should take a look on the fully furnished show unit and the empty show unit as well, because the feeling will be totally different, and the developer usually provides both. If the feeling is not good, move on to other show unit, or other developer, if you just can not trust the developer. Do not buy if you can not feel good, this is the most important thing in your life, wise choice is required. Good “FENG SHUI” is something make you feel good.

How about those things difficult to find? Sometime, we can not get the thing we want is not due to it is too expensive, but due to the availability. I said I use this KING Formula to get the thing that can enhance my ability, but the “Self-Help” industry is still very new in my country, many of the books, tapes, CDs, courses is difficult to find here, I have to go to many places to locate them, and there is no guarantee of happy ending. I usually keep searching until I feel exhausted, this is my way of detach. Buddha use six years to seek the truth, Buddha also feel exhausted just before the enlightenment, so try all the possibilities you know. Good news is you do not need to be exhausted every time you need detachment, once you reach that certain state of mind, you can either hold on to it or can easily duplicate it the next time you need it.

Sometime I will make use of the power of ordering, I will ask the bookshop operator to place the order for me, this is a physical order, the second step in this formula is mental order, if you execute it well, you should not have problem to find the thing you want. One more possibility is the thing you want is not for your highest good, so that the Universe will not grant it to you. Always believe if we can not get what we want, we will get something better.

Thanks to the internet and the power of search engine, I am easier to find the thing I want now, and I think that the internet is an artificial subconscious mind invented by humankind, it links us to so many greatest minds on earth, I personally think internet is something like the thinking stuff described in “The Science of Getting Rich”, it is the formless substance connected with human mind, when people upload their digital product to this formless stuff, it can be download everywhere, just like when we ask, it is given, instantly. Imagine we are computers with internet connection, but if we open too many internet browsers, I mean lack of focus, we will experience delay, so always focus on the most important thing on hand, achieve a goal at a time, if you want to navigate to everywhere, you will end up going nowhere.

Chapter 5 – Fourth Step: Give, give, give and give.

There are four gives in this step, what are these gives all about? The first give is give up. The second give is give in. the third give is give help. And the last one is give thanks.

After you have tried your best and still can not get the thing you want, you should give up and move on to the next thing in your list, and give in for the Universe to work it out for you, so that you might able to pick it up along the way. Time is too precious.

You should give helps to others, not only in term of money, you must contribute yourself to make the world a much more better place to live, help other as much as possible, teach them the KING Formula if you think it is useful.

If you already got the thing you want in third step, you should give thanks, if not, you should give thanks also, for the sake of your ability to breath, see, listen, read, eat, drink, walk, laugh, weep, love. Your gratitude will make you in tune with the Universe and what is much better than see the morning’s sunshine. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! For the good of all concerned.

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