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发表于 2008-8-11 15:21:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  两年前,我听说夏威夷有一位治疗家, 他治疗了一整个牢房里的犯罪精神病患~ 却不必见其中任何一个人。 这位心理学家会先研究囚犯的病历, 然后在心中静观自己是如何创造了这位病患的病情。 当他改善自己时,病患也同时被改善。

  第一次听到这个传闻的时候,我以为这是一个毫无根据的传说。 怎么有人能够藉由治疗自己的方式来治疗别人呢? 就算是最好的修行大师又如何能够治疗这类犯罪的精神病患?

  这实在毫无道理可言。 这不合逻辑,因此我就把这个传闻置之度外。

  然而,一年后我再次听见这个传闻。 听说那位治疗家使用一种夏威夷的疗程~ “ho oponopono”。 我从未听过这个疗程,但我无法放下它。 如果这个传闻是真的,我必须了解更多。

  我一直都认为“完全负责”意味着:  我对自己的“所思所行”,皆应负起责任。 超过这个,已经不是我的掌控范围了。 我认为大多数的人都是以这个方式思考“完全负责”。 我们对自己的所作所为负责,而不是替别人的作为负责。 这位治愈精神病患的夏威夷治疗家会教我一个“完全负责”的新观点。

  他是 Ihaleakala Hew Len 医师。   我们第一次的电话访谈大约进行了一个小时。 我请求他完整地告诉我,他治疗行医的故事。 他说他在夏威夷州立医院工作了四年。 医院里收容犯罪精神病患的病房非常危险。 基本上,每个月都会有心理学家提出辞呈。 工作人员经常打电话请病假或干脆就辞职了。 因为担心被这些病患攻击,人们走过病房时,都会背对着墙。 那实在不是一个适合生活、工作、或探望的地方。

  Len医师告诉我,他从未见过病患。 他同意拥有一个办公室,并且检阅他们的病历。 当他阅读那些病历时,他会治疗自己。 当他治疗自己时,病患开始被治愈。

  “ 几个月之后,原本必须戴上镣铐的病患被允许自由走动,” 他告诉我。 “ 其它必须依赖重度药物的人,则逐渐停止他们的药物。   …而那些从来没有机会被释放的人,开始获得自由。”


  “不仅如此,” 他继续说: “工作人员开始喜欢来上班。 工作人员的缺勤和流动的情形消失了。 因为病患渐渐被释放,我们的工作人员比所需要的更多, 而且所有的工作人员都出来工作。 今日,那个牢房已关闭了。”



  “我只是治疗自己创造了他们的那一部分,” 他说。


  Len医师解释说,对你的生活“完全负责”意味着: 任何在你生命当中的人事物~ 只因为是在你的生命中 ~ 就是你的责任。 以字面意义来说,整个世界是你的创造。

  哇 ! 这实在是难以承受。 对于我所说或所做的事负责,是一回事。 对于我生命中的每一个人所说或所做的事负责,完全是另一回事。 然而,事实是︰ 如果你对自己的人生负起完全的责任, 那么任何你所见、所听、所品尝、所接触,或以任何方式经验的, 都是你的责任,因为它在你的生命中。

  这意味着: 那些恐怖份子活动、总统、经济~ 任何你所经历和不喜欢的 ~ 需要你去治愈。 以某方面来说,他们并不存在,只是来自你内在的投射。 问题不是因为他们,而是因为你。 而为了改变他们,你必须改变自己。

  我知道这很难理解,更不用说要去接受它或在生活上实践。 责怪比“完全负责”容易得多,但是当我与Len医师谈话时, 我开始了解,对他与“ho  oponopono”而言,治愈意味着“爱你自己”。 如果你想要改善你的人生,你必须治愈你的生命。 如果你想要治愈任何人~ 即使是一个犯罪精神病患  ~ 你经由治疗自己而治愈他。 我问Len医师他如何治疗自己。当他看那些病患的病历时,他做些什么?


                      "   ………对不起!

                                   ………… 请原谅,

                                                   ………… 我爱你,

                                                                    ………… 谢谢! "。



  原来“爱你自己”是改进自己最好的方法, 当你改善你自己时,你也改善了你的世界。 让我告诉你一个简短的例子来说明这多有效︰  有一天,有人寄了一封电子邮件使我心烦意乱。

  以前我会用情绪化的方式来处理它,或者试着去规劝发出这封恶意讯息的人。 这次,我决定试试Len医师的方法。 我一直默默地在心里说:‘对不起’和‘我爱你’,我并不是向特定对象说。   我只是藉由外在的事件唤起爱的灵性,来治疗我内在创造外在环境的那部分。

  一个小时内,我收到那个人寄来的电子邮件。 他为他先前的讯息道歉。 记得我并没有采取任何外在的行动来获取那份道歉。   我甚至没有回信给他。但是,透过说:‘我爱你’,   我以某种方式治疗了我内在创造他的那部分。

  后来我参加Len医师举办的 “ho  oponopono”研讨会。 他现在已经70岁了,被尊崇为一位慈祥的僧人,而且有时遁隐。   他赞扬我的书: “吸引力的要素( The Attractor Factor ) ”。 他告诉我,当我改善自己时,我的书将会提升振动力, 而且当人们阅读时,他们会感受到。 简而言之,当我改善时,我的读者也会改善。

  “ 那些已经出售和流通在外的书呢? ” 我问。

  “ 它们并不在外面,” 他解释说,   “ 它们仍然在你之内。” 他不可思议的智慧,再一次令我感到震撼。



  每当你想要改善你生命中的任何事情, 只有一个地方需要检视︰你的内在。这个就够了。

  “ 当你检视时,带着爱去做吧。”

这篇文章是摘录自即将出版的书「零极限 ( Zero Limits )」,由Joe Vitale医师以及Len医师编着。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-11 15:24:00 | 显示全部楼层
The World's Most Unusual Therapist

by Dr. Joe Vitale

Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients--without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person's illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved.

When I first heard this story, I thought it was an urban legend. How could anyone heal anyone else by healing himself? How could even the best self-improvement master cure the criminally insane?

It didn't make any sense. It wasn't logical, so I dismissed the story.

However, I heard it again a year later. I heard that the therapist had used a Hawaiian healing process called ho 'oponopono. I had never heard of it, yet I couldn't let it leave my mind. If the story was at all true, I had to know more.

I had always understood "total responsibility" to mean that I am responsible for what I think and do. Beyond that, it's out of my hands. I think that most people think of total responsibility that way. We're responsible for what we do, not what anyone else does. The Hawaiian therapist who healed those mentally ill people would teach me an advanced new perspective about total responsibility.

His name is Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. We probably spent an hour talking on our first phone call. I asked him to tell me the complete story of his work as a therapist. He explained that he worked at Hawaii State Hospital for four years. That ward where they kept the criminally insane was dangerous. Psychologists quit on a monthly basis. The staff called in sick a lot or simply quit. People would walk through that ward with their backs against the wall, afraid of being attacked by patients. It was not a pleasant place to live, work, or visit.

Dr. Len told me that he never saw patients. He agreed to have an office and to review their files. While he looked at those files, he would work on himself. As he worked on himself, patients began to heal.

"After a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being allowed to walk freely," he told me. "Others who had to be heavily medicated were getting off their medications. And those who had no chance of ever being released were being freed."

I was in awe.

"Not only that," he went on, "but the staff began to enjoy coming to work. Absenteeism and turnover disappeared. We ended up with more staff than we needed because patients were being released, and all the staff was showing up to work. Today, that ward is closed."

This is where I had to ask the million dollar question: "What were you doing within yourself that caused those people to change?"

"I was simply healing the part of me that created them," he said.

I didn't understand.

Dr. Len explained that total responsibility for your life means that everything in your life - simply because it is in your life--is your responsibility. In a literal sense the entire world is your creation.

Whew. This is tough to swallow. Being responsible for what I say or do is one thing. Being responsible for what everyone in my life says or does is quite another. Yet, the truth is this: if you take complete responsibility for your life, then everything you see, hear, taste, touch, or in any way experience is your responsibility because it is in your life.

This means that terrorist activity, the president, the economy--anything you experience and don't like--is up for you to heal. They don't exist, in a manner of speaking, except as projections from inside you. The problem isn't with them, it's with you, and to change them, you have to change you.

I know this is tough to grasp, let alone accept or actually live. Blame is far easier than total responsibility, but as I spoke with Dr. Len, I began to realize that healing for him and in ho 'oponopono means loving yourself. If you want to improve your life, you have to heal your life. If you want to cure anyone--even a mentally ill criminal--you do it by healing you.

I asked Dr. Len how he went about healing himself. What was he doing, exactly, when he looked at those patients' files?

"I just kept saying, 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you' over and over again," he explained.

That's it?

That's it.

Turns out that loving yourself is the greatest way to improve yourself, and as you improve yourself, your improve your world. Let me give you a quick example of how this works: one day, someone sent me an email that upset me. In the past I would have handled it by working on my emotional hot buttons or by trying to reason with the person who sent the nasty message. This time, I decided to try Dr. Len's method. I kept silently saying, "I'm sorry" and "I love you," I didn't say it to anyone in particular. I was simply evoking the spirit of love to heal within me what was creating the outer circumstance.

Within an hour I got an e-mail from the same person. He apologized for his previous message. Keep in mind that I didn't take any outward action to get that apology. I didn't even write him back. Yet, by saying "I love you," I somehow healed within me what was creating him.

I later attended a ho 'oponopono workshop run by Dr. Len. He's now 70 years old, considered a grandfatherly shaman, and is somewhat reclusive. He praised my book, The Attractor Factor. He told me that as I improve myself, my book's vibration will raise, and everyone will feel it when they read it. In short, as I improve, my readers will improve.

"What about the books that are already sold and out there?" I asked.

"They aren't out there," he explained, once again blowing my mind with his mystic wisdom. "They are still in you."

In short, there is no out there.

It would take a whole book to explain this advanced technique with the depth it deserves. Suffice it to say that whenever you want to improve anything in your life, there's only one place to look: inside you.

"When you look, do it with love."

This article is from the forthcoming book "Zero Limits" by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Len
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