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Everything around us is made up of energy

发表于 2008-4-10 22:47:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
If we were to take a closer look at a table we would see that rather than a solid object, the table is in fact atoms held together in a fixed lattice shape.
[img=http://www.turquoiseray.com/images/Table%20Atoms.gif]Table hspace=20[/img]
These atoms vibrate about their position in the lattice structure and are glued together through the force of attraction.

If we were to take a closer look at the make up of a person we would find a collection of organs contained within some padding and scaffolding.  If we zoomed in to take a closer look at these organs, we would find that the organs are made up of cells.  The cells are made up of molecules.  The molecules break down into atoms.  Atoms are made up of energy.  Everything in our Universe is made up of energy and it is the law of attraction that explains why atoms are attracted to some atoms and repelled by others.
[img=http://www.turquoiseray.com/prosperityinaction/Slide2-2.jpg]The Law of Attraction is a 3 step process[/img]
The law of attraction is based on the premise that where focus goes, energy flows.  Since everything is energy, it can be argued that we have the capacity to create whatever we want - positive and negative.  We have hundreds of thoughts in each moment in time.  We are aware of some of those thoughts and not so aware of the others.  What do you think about most of the time? Is your primary question, "I've got no money left and its two weeks until payday.  How will I get through until then?" Is it, "Why doesn't he or she like me?" The basis of these questions is lack or poverty consciousness.  These questions assume there isn't any money or there isn't any love.

Your subconscious mind is like a huge database.  You conscious mind is the database command or query.  When we ask our subconscious mind why we don't have any money, our subconscious will come up with the answer.  Your job doesn't pay as well as Joe's job; you're in a noble profession so you shouldn't make money from it; it's wrong to have money; you have to be a bad person to have money.  These answers, when backed up with experiences, become your beliefs and you will live your life coloured by these beliefs.  It's a circular reference because it is your beliefs that will help you to find the experiences to reinforce your overriding thoughts.

Our thoughts shape our perception of reality.  Whatever we ask for, we receive.  There's a time delay between when we ask and when we get.  This safety mechanism allows us to fine-tune what we are asking for.  However, it's difficult to fine-tune what we are asking for when we are not aware of what we are asking for. We ask and our asking is answered.  This bit is automatic.  The trick is in the receiving.

How do we let things into our lives? We let things in when those things are energetically aligned with our energetic signature or vibration.  This is the law of attraction.  Have you ever had the situation when you're looking for something? Say you feel like having a cup of tea.  You're looking for the tea bags and can't find them anywhere.  Then something happens and you notice you've been staring at the tea bags the whole time.  They were right in front of you.  You just didn't see them.

How Do We Ask?
In its simplest form, we think about stuff.

Often we throw a lot of contradictory stuff up in the air and wonder why we don't get what we want.  Instead try being very specific and clear about what you want and why you want it.

Creative visualisation is great for this sort of thing.
[img=http://www.turquoiseray.com/images/clip_image003.gif]How Do We Ask?[/img]
Writing things down is very helpful because it involves more of the senses.  Writing things down is a visual, sub-auditory and kinaesthetic process.

When you're writing or visualising, get emotional.  Thoughts leave clues by creating emotion in your body.  This process of creating becomes even more powerful when we add movement into the mix.  The diagram below shows a typical response to a stressful situation.
Thoughts Leave Clues
[img=http://www.turquoiseray.com/images/StressDiagram.gif]Thoughts leave clues[/img]
Notice how stress starts in the mind, a visual image is created from those thoughts and we have an emotional response to that visual.  If we don't manage our stress, tension builds up in the body leaving physical clues such as an upset stomach, headache or back pain.  We can use our thoughts to create positive or negative experiences in our life.

When thinking about something specific, our thoughts create a picture.  We have an emotional response to this picture.  Positive emotions occur when we think of something helpful.  Negative emotions occur when we think of something less helpful.  The great news is rather than getting caught up trying to notice every thought we have, we can simplify the process by noticing how we feel.  Our emotions are our vibrational interpreters.  If we notice the emotion is not a helpful emotion, we can track it back to the trigger thought and change the thought or the meaning we are choosing in that moment to something more helpful.

The book, "Ask and it is Given", by Jerry and Esther Hicks (it's available for sale in our shop) sets out helpful and unhelpful emotions very clearly.  I've borrowed this wisdom from the book and set them out in the diagram below.
Some Emotions Are More Helpful Than Others
[img=http://www.turquoiseray.com/images/HelpfulEmotions.gif]Some Emotions Are More Helpful than Others[/img]
We mentioned that there is a delay between the asking and the answering.  You can influence the timing of this delay.  The longer you think about something you want to attract, the greater the intensity.  The greater the intensity, the greater the momentum.  The greater the momentum, the faster what you want to attract will come to you.

So to recap, the process for asking is
1.      Think
2.      get Clear
3.      get Emotional
4.      Check in with those emotions.  Are they helpful, positive emotions? If not, change the thought.
5.      add some Movement
6.      Write it down
7.      Keep going back and build momentum

How Do We Receive

We are all made up of energy.  We let what we want into our life when it is a vibrational match with what we believe.  

A belief is something we hold to be true.  It is a dominant thought we hold in our mind.  This dominant though attracts other like-minded thoughts.  We collect experiences based on this dominant thought, which is backed up with other like-minded thoughts.  The collection of consistent experiences reinforces the belief.  We can choose to change our beliefs in a heartbeat.  Change our belief and we change our experiences.

We know that we are energetically aligned with what we are attracting because we feel good.  We can change how we feel by changing what we are thinking about or the meaning we are giving to a thought or event.
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