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Power to Create Profits - Sales Cycle Optimization

发表于 2008-4-10 09:46:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Okay. My name is Stephen Pierce and you may or may not know who I am and that's fine. However, what I want to show you and share with you can make the next few minutes the most significant few minutes of the rest of your life.

  Now, while I feel it's important that you understand where I've come from. It's more important that you know where I am today, how I got here and what that means to you.

  So, the short version of my past looks like this.

  I was kicked out of high school, left with a 10th grade education.

  I filed bankruptcy twice but only one of them stuck because the second was filed to close to the first one.

  I was evicted from my apartment.

  I was homeless.

  I was a thug on the streets and got shot and still have the bullet in me today.

  I had multiple businesses fail (I was a business arbitrator, vinyl repairman, coupon book telemarketer, and more.)

  I can go on and on and on about the perils of my past. However that's not the purpose of this letter. The purpose of this letter is to let you know that regardless of what you and I have been through (or going through) there is a sure-fire way to live the life of our dreams... for you to get exactly what you want in life.

  While I admit, I'm not fully living the life of my dreams... I'm certainly not living the former nightmare life I had and I have an overflowing abundance of gratitude for what I am experiencing right now in my life.

  I look forward to each day, blessed and grateful... not only because of what I get, (while that's awesome too) it's because of what I'm able to give. And speaking of giving, that's where you come in.

  But first...

  Here's a quick snap shot of how much my life has improved. I currently run several successful businesses, and here's some of the fruit from those businesses.

  I use to visualize daily of making millions of dollars in my own business as a result of providing real value to the world. Well...

  This is just one of my 4 online processor accounts

  which shows $4,644,785.56 in net income.

  Here's more business from 2006,

  totaling $1,628,126.33 in net income.

  Be mindful that I have...

  4 online processors

  5 different banking accounts

  2 different investment accounts

  And get direct deposits in my banking accounts totaling over +$100,000 per month from partners around the world.

  I produce millions of dollars in sales from traveling around the world as an international speaker.

  For years, I would dream of owning a mansion. I wanted to have a really big house for my family. Yet, despite having that dream, the big house never came. I did have a really nice house at approximately 4,100 sq ft and I was really grateful for it. However, I knew that God had more for me.

  So, I remembered speaking with a very good friend of mine, John Assaraf. Long before he was in The Secret, he inspired me. He told me how he cut out a picture of his dream house, posted it to his vision board and would visualize having it.

  That made me think, "Heck, it worked in helping us making millions of dollars in our business, and since it worked for John to get his dream house, well why not visualize our dream house too."

  I started to feel a little guilty though. Was it wrong of me to want to enjoy the best God has to offer? Was it wrong for me to visualize material things?

  After searching my Bible and studying wealth I found that the desire was not only natural, but also a healthy part of life because it feeds our natural and organic desire to grow, expand and multiply in life.

  And I was really inspired when I read Ezekiel 41:18-20,25 in my Bible. This is an amazing account of Ezekiel visiualizing the temple in vivid detail before it was every built. This got me very excited.

  So, off I went. I went clipping out pictures of amazing houses from The Robbs Report and I posted them on my desk next to one of my computers. Then I started to visualize everyday of my wife and I having our own multi-million dollar estate.


  My wife and I recently purchased a multi-million dollar estate

  in a guarded community in Texas. Our new home is

  12,000 sq ft and sits on 4.3 acres of property.

  Here's an outside look at the house. If you want to be inspired and see more pictures of the outside of the house you can click here for more pictures of the outside of our million dollar estate.

  Now this is a picture of the entry way into the home. If you want to see some other amazing pictures of how our new home looks inside, click here for more pictures of the inside of our million dollar estate.

  While this is nice for us, I want you to know what it feels like to start being, doing, and experiencing what you really want in life.

  One thing that I'm totally committed to is showing other people that they can experience the life they really want and not settle for what they have. We are all capable of having, giving and experiencing so much more in life. So settling should not even be an option.

  To reach out and help people, my wife and I travel around the world doing seminars (paid and free) and I'm excited to say that we have helped thousands around the globe to experience a better life.

  From the United States to Singapore, Malaysia, India, Dubai, Thailand, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Australia and the United Kingdom... we are on a mission to challenge existing limiting paradigms of what's really possible in life and introduce new perspectives and open up new opportunities.

  The photo to the right is a recent photo of me (in the white shirt), my wife and our crew during a 4 day hands-on training workshop in Singapore.

  While I can go on and on and on and show you more account snap shows of significantly more revenue generate by our businesses, articles from newspapers and even international news coverage... enough already as I'm sure you get the point, right?

  Now, how did all of this happen?

  Well, it would be nice to say that a genie came out of a bottle like in the movie The Secret and stated "Your wish is my command."

  Nice... but uh, no. That's not how it happened.

  I actually have a 5 Step Scriptural Success System out of the Bible that I follow. However, to avoid sounding like I'm preaching to you, I'll share with you...

  My Simple Three Step Plan

  I visualize exactly what it is I want to experience in my life.

  I have absolute total faith I will experience it.

  I take consistent unwavering action to ensure I experience it.

  While that may seem overly simplistic, it's really what I do. I also understand that for you it may be easier said than done... up until now.

  Now, You Can Do It Too!

  Perhaps you've already given up. You've tried to harness "The Law of Attraction" but have failed to reach your goals. Like so many, you may have been inspired by "The Secret" only to discover the movie was better than the reality. Let me promise you the Law of Attraction really works as I reveal "the missing ingredient."

  And the best part is, once you "hit the juice", you'll notice the effects - immediately.

  So pay attention, I'm about to...

  Reveal The Missing Piece

  One of the critical steps to the Law of Attraction revealed by The Secret is visualizing exactly what you want. All of the experts interviewed agree - the more precisely you visualize - the better the Law of Attraction works. But the opposite is true as well. The less you visualize, the less noticeable the results. And even worse for most folks - if you are unable to visualize exactly what you want, the Law of Attraction can give you the opposite of what you desire and you never see the results you want.

  And that's a shame because you can be, do, have and experience whatever you want in life.

  But modern technology has figured out a way to help overcome this challenge so you'll notice the change - immediately!

  "Within minutes, I was visualizing things

  that seemed to be like a full-color motion picture."

  "I just listened to Stephen Pierce's OptiMINDzation CD again and I'm blown away by this stuff. I've been introduced to dozens of programs and self-help tools over the years. I've tried many different things such as affirmations, subliminal, hypnosis and holosync. But I've never tried anything that made my brain literally tingle with energy after the first hearing.

  I put the OptiMINDzation onto my iPod, and within a few minutes I could tell that something very cool was happening. Within minutes, I was visualizing things that seemed to be like a full-color motion picture. Eventually, I feel asleep and when I awoke, I felt incredible. I still do...so I just had to tell you about it now! I feel like I have more energy right now than I've had in months. (And sleep is a rare commodity around here right now as my wife just had a baby and if you have any idea what that's like you know what I'm talking about.)

  So, if you're thinking about giving it a try, just go for it. Stephen has a money back guarantee so there is absolutely nothing to lose. You can thank me later (and I suspect that you will ;-)."

  - David Matthies

  YES! You Can Have Whatever You Want

  The fact that you are reading this letter is proof attraction. Some might call it an accident. Others might call it fate - but right now - proof that the Law of Attraction can work for you is at hand.

  You may not be aware of its power - yet. But the Law of Attraction is ready to attract the right people, friends, career, love relationships, and finances to your life right now.

  So if you feel your life is passing you by and you haven't gotten all you desire or deserve, there's an easy solution.

  You'll discover the missing ingredient - powerful and accurate visualization - is hidden untapped inside of you waiting to activate.

  And as The Secret relates, once you tap into this incredible power inside you - nothing will stand in your way.

  "...I noticed an immediate increase in my focus

  that increased as the week went on."

  "Aloha Stephen,

  I've got to tell you, you've made boosting personal performance push-button simple! I'm serious! I've been involved in NLP and personal performance technologies since 1987. In my 9,200-plus hours of coaching business people in self-influence and persuasion I've never had a tool at my disposal that is as easy and fast acting as the Optimindzation CD's.

  When I received the first CD I saw your "10-minutes a day" advice and figured; if 10-minutes is good, what will an hour a day do? I mean after all, it's just listening to a CD. So I did that religiously for the first 7-days. Within just 2-days I was jumping out of bed at 5am, and I noticed an immediate increase in my focus that increased as the week went on.

  I dropped down to 10-15 minutes right after waking up and just before going to bed, and the results just kept building. Everything I read as I listened to the Optimindzation CDs seemed to get absorbed right into my subconscious.

  Then something even more surprising happened. I'm usually overly concerned with details and "getting the systems right." (My wife would say I suffer from P.D. (perfectionist disorder.) But over the next few weeks, I was happier more often for no reason. And worries about details (in fact, worries in general) became much smaller with an unexplainable increase in positive thoughts.

  Can't explain all this, except to say that it seems like the Optimindzation CDs seem to exponentially multiply any learning or work I do on myself. It feels just like bolting a supercharger on a car that has 350-hp and instantly seeing it jump to 500-hp! Thanks for sharing this technology with us Stephen!"

  - John Paul Micek

  The Law of Attraction Creates Unstoppable

  Success In Your Life - Automatically

  Once you are able to visualize, the Law of Attraction works wonders for everyone who sincerely follows its simple formula. Better than that, once you discover it works in one part of your life, you'll be able to apply it everywhere.

  And best of all, you'll bypass the roadblocks that stopped the Law of Attraction from bringing you all the success you deserve.

  You can reverse the negative and fatal attractions you are experiencing in your life.

  It doesn't matter how many times you have watched the DVD and hoped it would come true...in doesn't matter how many times you'd wished for more money, a better job, the love of your life...even if you were ready to give up on your dreams forever. This time it will be different and there's scientific proof this will work.

  "My productivity has increased dramatically. I feel a far greater peace with myself due to the improvement in mental clarity."

  "I am in awe of the changes occurring in me due to your OptiMINDzation CD's. I have listened on average 2-4 hours a day for the past 45 days. My productivity has increased dramatically. I feel a far greater peace with myself due to the improvement in mental clarity. I recognize non supportive thinking so quickly now and dispel it. It seems my awareness has exploded. I flat out love myself way more due to your technology. As a business owner and friend, I recommend your CD's with passion. My required sleep time has diminished by 1-2 hours a night. For this I am glad because I have much to do. My energy to face the day is like I have never experienced. My ability to imagine and to stay in the imagination throughout the day is thrilling me.

  Einstein said " Imagination is everything, the preview of what's to come".

  My 20 year old son is dedicated to the CD's and the results are showing. Our ability to connect with people has just expanded marvelously. This is Impacting our business so much so that our peace of mind resounds to all.

  Please accept the most heartfelt thanks from a man who really wanted and needed to change.

  I am a magnet now for all that is absurdly excellent. And able to help others become magnets too.

  Blessings and peace to you sir. I love you for helping me. I will help many and pass it on."

  - John DiMartino

  Harnessing The Power of Your Brain

  Regardless of whatever happened in your past, financial problems, bankruptcy, never managing to make ends meet, the past is over. Your future begins as soon as you begin to use the Attraction AcceleratorTM.

  And you may not recognize your future based on your past.

  Imagine for a moment you are driving your car but instead of looking ahead - you are only looking through the rear view mirror. It would be a disaster waiting to happen!

  But the Attraction AcceleratorTM is going to change all that as you manifest your financial success.

  How surprised will you be to discover how simple it is to reach and even exceed your goals?

  Not only is your past irrelevant here, even what is going on in the present. The only thing that matters is...your future when you sit back and let the Attraction AcceleratorTM go to work for you.

  Really want to taste and enjoy the success you deserve? Are you ready to show all those people who made fun of you for trying to harness the Law of Attraction that it really works.

  Listen to me carefully. This isn't just about going from barely making it to the level of survival; it's about experiencing life to the fullest as every single one of your dreams becomes true.

  "The results the first day were very noticeable."

  "Thanks so much for introducing me to the "Optimindzation" CD. The results the first day were very noticeable. I am on fire."

  - John DiMartino


  "Better focus and energy."

  "2 days ago I ordered OptiMINDzation for myself on a different credit card. This set is for my daughter in college--I have been using my friend's CD for the past 4 days and I am extremely impressed. Better focus and energy. This makes sense to me---I've been RN for 30 years and have tried numerous self-help books and CDs. Thanks! "

  - Tracy Massie


  "...deep sleep and the ability to focus better."

  "I received my copy of OptiMindzation last week. I have been using it daily for about 20 mins. I noticed improvements like deep sleep and the ability to focus better. Plus it improves my temperament too.

  Thank you for bringing out this product."

  - May Ong


  "It is incredible. I am astounded by the results."

  "I have just started using the Optimindzation CD. It is incredible. I am astounded by the results. I have only used it for a few days and can hardly believe the difference. Nobody would believe the impact of this CD until they tried it themselves. My close friends can't believe the difference in me. Thank you for promoting this product."

  - Jeannette Nelson

  Tweaking Your Brain For Success

  Listen up. Over the past 50 years, brain researchers have been studying the effect of brain waves on behavior.

  There are 4 brain wave states: beta, alpha, theta, and delta. In beta - you are awake and alert. In alpha - more relaxed and creative. Theta - a deep meditative state. In delta, you are asleep.

  Researchers have pin-pointed the mid Beta brainwave frequencies as the zone to create a super focus mental state, intellectual endurance, and for creative visualization.

  Professionals in the areas of psychology, neurology, medical health and self-help have begun utilizing a new technique called brainwave entrainment in their work with patients.

  They have discovered altering brainwaves naturally can allow people to easily enter states of increased intelligence, creativity, relaxation, pure energy and more!

  You probably realize the brainwaves of a sleeping person are much different than the brainwaves of an individual who is wide awake.

  Years of research has shown that brainwaves not only provide insight into an individual's mind and body, but they can be induced to actually change that person's current state.

  By allowing you to select your brain wave state you can increase or decrease specific types of brainwave frequencies, it is possible to bring about a large variety of mental states and emotional reactions. This process is known as brain wave entrainment.

  But what you need to know boils down to two words...

  It Works!

  When you play the Attraction AcceleratorTM, you will hear some dreamy music with specially designed beats in the background. But those beats are scientifically proven to train your brain to go into the ideal mental state for focused visualization so you can harness the full power of The Law of Attraction.

  Within a few moments, you will have the ability to visualize deeply, vividly and emotionally - guaranteed.

  And that's when the Law of Attraction goes into Turbo Drive - you apply the juice and your new life is off and running.

  So the next time Oprah talks about The Secret, people will be running to you as living proof the Law of Attraction works.

  "It works just like you said it would and..."

  I currently subscribe to Optimindzation and love the cd. It works just like you said it would and I'm blown away sometimes how easily I can understand things better. Like one night I was watching a favorite DVD of mine again and there was a part in the movie that I could never understand. Then one night I was watching it and I totally understood the part I could never before. It came in like a lightning bolt from out of the dark sky and I realized it was because of Optimindzation. The cd also helps me manage my work more quickly, accurately and efficiently.

  - Jaime O Pasco, Jr.

  My Breakthough Secrets To

  Tap Into The Power of the Law of Attraction

  I call this audio program "The Attraction AcceleratorTM." But you may call it one of the single most transformational events to occur in your life. In fact, if you're like most folks who try this program - you'll notice the results immediately.

  A simple recording allows you anywhere, anytime to shift your ability to visualize from low to high. You'll be more confident that you will attain all your dreams and desires.

  How focusing on the times you've failed causes suffering and heartache. Using the Attraction AcceleratorTM, you'll get the results you've wanted in the fastest possible time. Your success will be so rapid and the change so complete, your friends will want to know how you did it.

  You will be able to tap in to scientifically proven power to create astounding results in your personal, financial and emotional life - all at the same time.

  You will no longer need to bother with visualizing methods that fail - as you use a brain based method that works 100% of the time. It's so simple and powerful, you'll wonder why no one ever talks about it.

  You'll finally be able to eliminate "scarcity mentality" and turn on your "prosperity circuits" and unleash your mind on abundance and wealth instead.

  Reverse the fatal attractions which lead you to believe that the Law of Attraction "isn't working" for you (The Law of Attraction is always working. Either you are attracting what you want or what you don't want... in both cases, you can control what you attract.). The Attraction AcceleratorTM will help you implement the changes in your life so you finally start to attract what you do want.

  Start to get the results you really want, and live freely.

  Just Push Play to Tune Into Scientifically Proven,

  Brainwave Enhanced Visualization and Accelerate Your Life

  Into the Masterpiece You Deserve It To Be

  Unlocking the power to consistently and powerful visualize what you want most in life, is not about trying harder ... it's about tuning in. Tuning in your brainwaves to the correct bandwidth so your visualization can be unleashed to soar and bring into your life exactly what you want.

  The Attraction AcceleratorTM is your tuning fork that will automatically, with a push of a button lock your brainwaves into a precisely tuned mental state where you can experience powerfully focused visualization.

  Negative Thinking and Fatal Attractions Are Finally Extinct

  Now you can supercharge your dreams and accelerate the manifestation of what you really want in life by allowing the Attraction AcceleratorTM to tune your brain into the perfectly charged peak mental state where you can easily laser focus precisely on what you want in life ...attract precisely what you want in life... and get precisely what you want in life.

  "...making it easier for my brain to do what it was supposed to do, and blocking out distractions."

  "I've been using Stephen's Optimindazation "system" for the past week, 20 minutes a day and it feels like it's giving my brain a "workout". It felt like I was running a defragging program on my brain!

  Rearranging this and that, and making it easier for my brain to do what it was supposed to do, and blocking out distractions.

  After my session is over though, I've notice the following things:

  * I work longer and faster

  * concentrate better

  * come up with ideas faster

  Hey, remember, I'm a skeptic, and this is a un-scientific test (could be a placebo effect, but I doubt it, it's a marked difference in my work output), and I'm VERY impressed. I know that I'll be using it daily, and looking forward to future installments of the Optimindzation mind development system. I'd highly recommend you check it out!

  - Kirt Christensen
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