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On World Financial Group's Business

发表于 2007-11-29 06:13:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  72个小时、满身的疲倦还有400美元买回来的只有两个字:悲哀,为参加World Financial Group Business的中国人感到悲哀。

  World Financial Group(WFG)是一家金融产品代理公司,1992年成立,现属荷兰Aegon财团的控股子公司。主要业务是推销金融产品。采用的是传销模式,即上线发展下线,从这些人的朋友中寻找客户,然后大家按比例分钱。也许我说到传销,大家都会感到惊诧,在中国传销已经明令禁止,但这是美国,由于它没有触犯法律,所以是合法的。







 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-29 06:15:10 | 显示全部楼层


正值报税时节,头两天pig公司有人发宣传邮件说免费报税讲座,而且地点还离家很近就去听听了。是俩中国人直接以中文弄的,到场的如果按家算只有4,5家中国人(所以猜当时是不是针对中国人发的宣传)。讲座当时的确是以客观数字讲政策,72法则投资回报法则等。结束后说可以上门针对性咨询1个小时。觉得听一听也可以,反正一个小时,就当了解一下。真那天上门“咨询”的时候可不止1个小时了,天花乱坠但却一步一步以客观数字为材料得说了4个小时,(本来要看的superbowl都被迫错过了)。不得不承认,他们的说教材料已经相当成熟,最后目的,一是让你买他们的life insurance,二是能入“会”最好。最后还推动性得希望你直接买,或直接帮你注册。详细说教方法下面详细写,总之隐藏的东西他们不讲,只讲好的部分。后来pig上bbs看税的事,顺便看到很多关于这个WFG的详细骗人方法,甚至有人真的当场直接买了被套进去,甚至版上有人还为之辩护。


1. 家庭理财按金字塔型上税后底层首先用于medical insurance, disability insurance, life insurance, house mortage; 往上是emergency;再有多余钱要投资计划,包括long term的投资和孩子edu投资计划;再上就是消费了。

--make sense.

2. 那好,针对第一层insurance, medical, disability公司的benefit已经非常好,他们对我们没什么好讲的。但是life insurance,拿前一段车祸挂的几个哥们为例天灾人祸谁说得准,你的life insurance(employee都只是工资的两倍,但还有accident life insurance)才只有两倍工资,才那么点,应该多买点。多买,如果在公司买会比在外面买贵(估计基本是假的),不信你去公司看看增点需要多交多少钱?等你试...发现每年只有一次改动机会,不能随时改计划(这个不能实际改改看他们估计非常清楚)。那好,道理开讲,年轻人从我们外面买比公司便宜是有道理的,公司按得平均年龄,你年轻;公司有人抽烟,你不抽烟--所以你被平均后就高了,从外面买对你们这种不抽烟年轻人肯定便宜(有待考证)。


3. life insurance分term和permanent。term就像租房子,permanent就像买房子。permanent的话只要去世就给你保额的钱,比如50w,无论是何种死因,而且作为VUL,取出时不需补税--试想你到最后这么多钱上遗产税得上多少啊。而我们呢,还把life insurance跟mutual funds投资综合在一起,既是保险又是投资,这样,头几年交了年轻时的保险费后,后面只用投资收益里自动扣就可以了。按10%的收益率,几年内只需投入约2w(?)就可得到50w保底的收益,甚至更多。而且越早投,收益率按后面几年的翻倍,最后的资产越多。它还比401k,IRA等灵活,那些存进去就不能取吧,取了就要上税;而我们这个只要保留保险,其余的都是你自己支配取还是留,取也不需上税。


4. 10%的收益有历史收益数字支持,有专门人看funds随时换好的,我们公司排名第几的大公司,在中国也有子公司,给你看看网页。美国法律制度健全,这些增长都是可以预测的。给你看看实际帐户,嗯,客户的不能看,看我的吧。显示2003年开户,至今,投入8w,帐上已有9w6,还有了100w的life insurance。如果买,我们会需要一个体检,但是上门服务。


5. 别,我们这个周期比较长,体检要预约,还要材料审批。何不现在先约上,回头不需要了可以cancel嘛。而且,只要你约上,在材料审批下来这个期间,我们给你free 保险上了,所以只要约上现在没交钱就有了保险了,而且钱越早投资收益越多嘛。


6. 哦,那多长时间?两个星期?那我们先预定上**号我再过来吧。不过我们公司呢,就像ms,比较强大,所以树敌自然比较多,别听那些网上评论,要有自己的看法,互联网少儿不宜是不。



zz from bbs, post by bibbub: VUL has absolutely crazy fees and hidden fees. It’s differently structured
with different products. If you bought your VUL from WFG, you are likely to
have “WRL Freedom Elite Builder” or something similar, otherwise, let me
know what you have. Here is the policy that everyone can get access to. http://w                                       
1)$3 for every payment: hmm… you can afford that.
2)$5-7.5 per month administration charge: han4 lao4 bao3 shou1.
3)Front-load investment: 6% load for the first ten years, and 2.5% after ten
years. Auch!
4)2% cash withdrawal charge: do you plan to use that to supplement retirement
5)Otherfees--subaccount reallocation, loans (forget it).
6)Surrender charge: Make sure to suck every drop of your blood in case you
might get enlightened on bbs.
7)Cost of insurance: You have to pay cost of insurance when you are 70-80
years old.  For example, when you are 85 years old (in 60 years) and have, say                                          
, only $200K death benefit (worth about $34K in present dollar assuming
inflation is 3%) then you will have to pay as much as $16660 per month in cost
insurance alone (according to the prospectus).  Upon your death, your spouse
and kids will happily collect $34k death benefit (today’s dollar) from the
Western-Reserve Life (if it still exists), after your life long commitment of
enriching WRL by many times of amount of your death benefit.  Most people won
’t be as lucky as you are, the used up their policy cash value for retirement
(or even earlier than that) supplement and figuring they couldn’t come up
with $16660/month for the insurance money at age of $85 and let policy lapse,
and die with nothing, still after a semi- life-long premium payment.
8)Mortality and Expense risk charge (ME charge): this is a vampire but not the
worst part. 0.9% for first 15 years, and 0.3-0.6% after that, every year, of
your entire cash value!
9)Hidden expenses underlying the subaccounts (“mutual funds”).  This is the
biggest secret in the VUL business and the most disgusting one.  I am sure
your uplines and uplines don’t know this dirty trick.  It’s written nowhere,
but takes some research to reveal the disgustingly high fees.  Have you
wonder why your “mutual funds” in the VUL don’t have a ticker though they
have the similar name as those publicly available, such as WRL MARSICO GROWTH,
CLASS 2.  It’s not too hard to figure out these are marsico growth (MGRIX),
pimco total return (PTTRX), and fidelity Contrafund (FCNTX), plus some charges                                          
by WRL make it a WRL xxxxx funds.  Here is how you can figure out how much
charges they added. Click on the performance page of your product “WRL
Freedom Elite Builder [54.8Kb]” at http://www.westernreserve.com/site1/invst_op
t/performance.jhtml  and you will find their accumulative returns for the last t
hree years as of July 31, 2005 are 36.97%, 14.33%, and 52.28%.  That’s pretty g
ood return. Of course, but what would be the return if you invest with the mutua
l fund directly? To find the answer, you will have to go to finance.yahoo.com to
download their adjusted NAV data, because the numbers are not on Morningstar. I
will do the work for you, just make sure to get their dirty tricks exposed—47.
20%, 19.04% and 55.49%.  So, WRL secretly ripped you off 10.23%, 4.71% and 3.21%
during the last three years without you even knowing it.  You think they will t
ell you this in the prospectus? Go figure.  That’s 1-3% a year, plus whatever k
ickbacks and commissions they get from the fund company because they are a large
institutional buyer.  Oh, my! 1-3% a year, regardless of your return, on top of
mutual fund own expense ratio (about 1%).
Now here is your story, as a loyal customer (before get enlightened on mitbbs)
, say you pay $300 per month minimum, here is where the money goes: $3 + $5 +
~$15 (6% of investment), and the every-escalating monthly insurance cost, and
the rest meager goes to investment. The part of investment money (cash value)
will be charged 0.90% ME charge + 1-3% hidden charge + 1% fund ER (by fund
managers), roughly 3-5% every year, year after year!  You now know why those
VUL sales people get thousands of commissions instantly after the deal closed.
  You think it’s a tax-deferred investment, yeah, an investment for WFG and
WRL, and you are the sacrifice and offerings.
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