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Robert Kiyosaki: President Obama’s Reelection: What Does It Mean?

发表于 2012-11-24 09:48:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

I do my best to remain politically neutral. I’m neither Republican nor Democrat. While I know the office of President is important, I don’t think it matters much which person or party is in power. As Meyer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the 18th-centry Rothschild banking empire, said:“Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.

In other words, it’s the Federal Reserve Bank, Goldman Sachs, and the hedge funds that make the rules, which is why the rich will grow richer as America grows poorer.

If you’ve followed my Conspiracy of the Rich blog posts, you know I’d rather operate by the rules of the rich than the rules of the poor and middle class. This is why I don’t have a job, don’t work for money, get into debt rather than get out of debt, and don’t save money in the bank or have a retirement plan filled with stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Those are things the rich want the poor and middle class to do, which is why there is no true financial education in our schools.

Although I do my best to be politically neutral, I felt a sense of sadness after President Obama was reelected. It had nothing to do with President Obama personally. I feel he is doing what he thinks is best for the country.

My sadness was more for America, a once great country. The following are a few of my concerns:

1. When 50 percent of the population pays little to no taxes and then demands to raise taxes on those that do pay taxes, something is rotting in the core of our nation.

History does repeat. When the Roman Empire reached 50 percent of its population not paying taxes and demanding that those that paid taxes to pay more, the Roman Empire fell. Higher taxes caused many workers to simply stop working, collect their government stipend, and watch the gladiators fight in giant coliseums. Today, we have giant coliseums where millions watch giant football players clash while our leaders steal their wealth. Today, many Americans know more about football than they know about money.

2. In this election, the Republicans were pathetic. Obama didn’t win the election; the Republicans lost it. The Republicans are out of touch. Rather than focus on fixing the economy and creating jobs, they were hateful against minorities, especially Hispanics. The Latino vote destroyed Romney, a good man with sound business skills.

Again, history repeats. During times of economic duress, the populace looks for an ethnic group to discriminate against. When Germany went into depression after World War I, they murdered millions of Jews and other minorities, as if that would absolve their pain.

Today, it is not Jews, but rather Latinos.

The Republicans also spoke to women as if they were property of rich white men, telling them what to do with their bodies and imposing quasi-religious dogma on them. The women’s vote carried Obama.

In short, the Republicans gave capitalism a bad name.

In his book, What Americans Really Want…Really, Dr. Frank I Luntz, states: “’Capitalists’ frighten people and ‘capitalism’ is short hand for CEO’s taking tens of millions of dollars on the same day their pens wipe out 10,000 jobs.”

In the same chapter, Dr. Luntz writes, “What they [Americans] want instead are entrepreneurs.” “Unlike the ‘greed is good’ motto of Gordon Gekko and some hedge fund managers and venture capitalists, entrepreneurs are seen by Americans as business innovators and wealth creators.”

Dr. Luntz did a study for The Kaufman Foundation, the leading entrepreneurial think thank in America, and found, “It’s hard to tell which has become the stronger emotion, respect for entrepreneurs or hatred towards CEOs.”

In other words, I believe Americans voted not for President Obama but rather against greedy CEOs and counterfeit capitalists.

In my up coming book, Why A Students Work for C Students, I state that most CEOs are not capitalists. They are instead “managerial capitalists” and “corporate clones.” They are graduates from our finest business schools who become high-paid employees, not entrepreneurs. Rather than dream of starting their own businesses and employing people, they dream of climbing the corporate ladder and beating their fellow employees to the top.

There is a big difference between a corporate person like Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric, and an entrepreneur like Thomas Edison, who never finished school, yet founded General Electric. Dr. Luntz states: “So how to equip a generation of Americans for success in entrepreneurship? Forget about MBA’s. Most business schools teach you to be successful in a big corporation rather than how to start your own company.”

So what did Dr. Luntz find that American’s wanted?

  • 80 percent want to be entrepreneurs
  • 14 percent want to be the CEO of a Fortune 500 Company
  • 6 percent did not know or did not respond

Dr. Luntz’s book was published in 2009, reflecting a significant change in the mood of Americans.

3. Both Obama and Romney were pathetic when it came to the truly important issue of jobs.

During their debates, both men agreed on one thing: their insistence that people going back to school would solve unemployment. Don’t they realize that schools mass produce employees? That is why parents repeatedly say, “Go to school to get a job.” Employees don’t produce jobs; they demand them. Mass-producing more employees is like a company stepping up production on buggy whips and hoping more buggies are created.

In other words, not only are our political parties failing the American public, so too are our schools.

Don’t the candidates realize that globalization is the problem? How can America compete when we pay our autoworkers $200 an hour (factoring in benefits and retirement) and foreign autoworkers are paid $2 an hour?

This country needs more entrepreneurs, not more employees. And we definitely don’t need more bureaucrats. If we produce more entrepreneurs, there will be greater need for employees. Simply said, entrepreneurs—not big business, labor unions, or the government—create jobs.

When government bureaucrats raise taxes and impose more regulation, it makes it harder for small-business entrepreneurs to survive.

It’s hard enough starting a business. In America there are approximately 600,000 new businesses started each year, and approximately 540,000 (90%) will fail in five years. Instead of making life easier for entrepreneurs, our leaders are making it harder.

With Obamacare imposing its will on businesses over 50 employees, it means most small businesses will remain small, rather than grow bigger and hire more employees.

This is why I felt saddened the morning after the election. I was in mourning for the once great United States of America.

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